If a landlord offers the choice of a Zero Deposit, tenants can choose between Zero Deposit and the traditional deposit. Zero Deposit offers cover up to the value of six week’s rent.
Why choose Zero Deposit?
- Speeds everything up: Zero Deposit is helping to solve financial challenges for tenants who, on top of rent and other costs of moving need to find up to six weeks’ rent for a security deposit. By helping to tackle these affordability issues, Zero Deposit can help tenants move into properties faster and reduce large upfront costs, in-turn helping reduce void periods for landlords.
- Provides security and protection: Zero Deposit provides cover equivalent to a six week tenancy deposit. It is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, so tenants and landlords must be treated fairly and reasonably.
- Less hassle and paperwork: As this Guarantee is not a traditional deposit, it does not need to be registered with the deposit protection schemes, making the process less time consuming for both tenants and landlords.